Friday, May 31, 2019

Graduation Speech: Regrets :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Let me begin by saying that I am very honored to be addressing the County proud School Class of 2012 as students of this institution for the last time. Weve spent these last four years creating some serious memories four years of chieftain power, leaking roofs, fishy Homecoming skits, and musical principals. Four years of good teachers, bad teachers, new teachers, old teachers. Four years of youth, music, growing up and breaking free. Four base hit chickens, four yearbooks, four ASB presidents and four chubby bunnies.But consider this question for a moment what is your single biggest regret from the past four years? If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? I asked Ms. Parks to pose this question to two classes full of Seniors and I have here some responses. For those of you who answered, thank you very much for your honest and thoughtfulness.Now some of us, in pondering our biggest regret, probably think immediately of a relationship weve had. present are some examplesI regret having the same boyfriend throughout high school.I regret putting so much time and sensation into one person, when that one person should have been me.A very common subject of regret was decisions people made concerning academicsI regret screwing more or less during my first years of high school because I had to make it up and almost didnt graduate.I never studied or did all my work in classes, and slacked off when I have the potential of a 4.0 GPA. Theres a note at the bottom of this one, it says, Oh, well, Ive got another chance.On a somewhat similar note, behavioral regret made a strong showing among our classMy biggest regret is waking up and not knowing what I did the night before.Letting Robbie get over eat crab cakes on Prom night.100 hours of disciplinary community service.I made so many stupid mistakes, disrespecting my friends and family. Thinking drugs were the thing to do. I was stupidOccasionally, we have had to deal with watching our frien ds struggle. By the time we summon the courage to take action or offer help, it is often too late.I regret standing by and doing nothing while people I cared about destroyed themselves.My biggest regret -- not forgiving someone before they passed away.I regret not telling my best friend how much he meant to me, and before I knew it, it was too late because he killed himself.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Russia :: essays research papers

When examining the progress of a nation, it is vital to also see what the internal psyche behind it was. In Russia the driving motivation was not always consistent. ... They still had difficulty in formulating and sustaining any permanent concept of the state and its interests independent of the family possessions and connections of the public opinion dynasty.(Hosking 190) As with many countries of that time, the rulers were not held accountable, and often overlooked long-term strategic goals in favor of short-term gains. Foreign policy was more a individual(prenominal) relationship among rulers than among nations alliances were made, broken or not honored routinely. All of these factors made for a precarious political environment in which any leader had to operate. Russias possess unique problems required its rulers have an even greater political acumen than their purely European counterparts. There in lies the crux of Russias biggest problems. Over the centuries from - to - Russia has expanded from a small principality to a huge polyglot of an empire encompassing many people with many different cultures. Most Russians were not European. Although these people came from divers(prenominal) geographical locations, they all shared certain beliefs that unified them. Concepts such as Pravda, the Mir, and the acceptance of suffering helped unify the empire.When Peter I wanted to Europeanize Russia he did it in a typical Russian way out with the old, in with the new, having ... the tendency to introduce reform in total packages, rejecting previous ways as utterly wrong. (Hosking 176) Peter I replaced the one stable and unifying set of beliefs with another set adopted from a world foreign to most everyone in the empire. This may be the reason that Russias Europeanization seemed to be a thin veneer under which the majority of Russians did not understand or see any benefit in europeanization. To answer the question as to whether or not Peter I was a successful ru ler, it must be stated that the antecede under which he ruled was ... To increase Russias power and wealth and to improve the well being of its people.(Hosking 198) To Peter that meant becoming more like Europe, and perhaps he thought this because of the great European influences on his, and on the lives of his advisors and the nobility in general. Peter saw the great armies and bureaucracies of Europe and wished to install them in Russia.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Moral and motivation report - Working with people in teams. Essay

Moral and motivation report - Working with people in teams.TERMS OF savoir-faire==================I Amanda Robinson, Assistant Personnel Manager with James Watt Hotel,have been asked by the Personnel Manager to submit a report on the champaign of Moral and Motivation within the scheme. This reportis a result of problems that have been highlighted by a preliminarysurvey conducted by an indep set asideent body. Report to be submitted by 28January 2003.PROCEDUREAfter studying the preliminary report I spent 2 weeks searching theproblem of Moral and Motivation within the hotel. My research took theform of observations and face-to-face interviews. Also researched werethe personnel records of staff within the hotel.My observations gave me insight into how staff interacted with eachother, management and our customers.Face- to- face interviews randomly selected from various departmentswithin the hotel gave me grand insight into more detailed problems andgrievances felt by a number of staf f.My reasoning for researching personnel records was to collectinformation on indicators of low moral such as level of absenteeism,level of grievances, incidence of complaints and the high level ofstaff turnover.FINDINGSThe following problems have been identified from the preliminarysurvey conducted by an independent body.* round believe they argon overworked.* rung believe pay is low.* Staff believe promotion prospects are poor.* Staff believe little/no training is given.* Staff believe they are not encouraged to air grievances.* Staff perceive a them and us attitude between them and management.* Staff believe communications are very formal.* Staff are concerned that they are not consulted when new investments/equipment is ordered.* An analysis of customer complaints suggests unpleasant atmosphere miserable staff and poor assist throughout the hotel.The survey also revealed a wide cross-section of managerial styles.Some members of management were only concerned about gettin g workcompleted, with no regard to the welfare of employees, some wereconcerned with only the welfare of employees with no concern for thestandard of work, and then a few were neither concerned for theemployees or the standard of work.After spending 2 weeks conducting my own rese... ...peak at length.It helps employees to unload problems and its believed that theemployee benefits psychologically. Outside agencies should be used togive the interviews to eliminate interviewer bias.EXIT INTERVIEWS- This is given when an employee is divergence theorganisation. This benefits the organisation as they receive a morehonest reply as the leaving employees feels he can speak more easily.This can go out essential information on moral and motivationproblems throughout the hotel.CONCLUSIONSimply by making a few adjustment in our workings procedures can havegreat impact on others. Simply by saying please and thank you can lifta persons spirits. At the end of the day the loser is the hotel, asc ustomers just wont return. It is vital to remember that all changesmust be on going and monitored to judge their effectiveness. Rememberthat a happy customer will tell only 3 people, whereas an unhappycustomer will tell nine other people. For the continued success ofthis organisation we cannot ignore these problems.For clarity on any aspect of this report please do hesitate to contactmyself, Amanda Robinson, Assistant Personnel Manager, ext 1888

The Life Of John F. Kennedy :: essays research papers

The Life of washbowl F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy was born in Brookline Massachusetts on May 29, 1917.He attended Harvard University and graduated in 1940. From 1941-1945 heserved in the United States Navy, during World War II. In 1946 he waselected to the United States House of Representatives. whence in 1952 hewas elected to the United States Senate. On September 12, 1953 he wasmarried to Jacqueline Lee Bouvier. Then in 1960 he was elected Presidentof the United States. On November 22, 1963 he was assassinated in Dallas,Texas.John grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. His father Joseph P. Kennedy,was a self-made millionaire. During the administration of PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt, he served as the first chairman of the Securitiesand Exchange Commission, and as United States embassador to Great Britain.During Johns childhood, his family often moved. Some of these moves sentthe family into New York. All of the Kennedy children developed a strongcompetitive spirit. The boys enjoyed p laying touch football together.John Kennedys grooming included elementary schools in Brooklineand Riverdale. By the age of thirteen his father sent him to theCanterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. He then transferred toChoate Academy in Wallingford, Connecticut, and graduated in 1935 ateight-teen years old. In 1936, after a summer in England, John enteredPrinceton University. After Christmas, of that same year, he developedjaundice. Then in 1936 he entered Harvard University. At Harvard hemajored in g all overnment and international relations. In 1940 he graduatedfrom Harvard. He then enrolled at Stanford University, but dropped bring outafter only six months.After serving in the United States Navy, where he won the Navy andMarine Corps Medal as the original of a PT boat in World War II, Johndecided to enter government. In 1946, he ran for the House ofRepresentatives and won the election over his Republican opponent. Hewas reelected to the House in both 1948 and 1950. In 1952, he ran forthe United States Senate. He defeated his opponent Henry Lodge, who wasa frequent and undergo legislator. After the 1956 Presidential electionhe decided to try to run for the upcoming 1960 Presidential election.In 1960 John Kennedy ran in the Presidential Election. His opponent,Richard M. Nixon, was a popular person, he had previously been thevice-president under Dwight Eisenhower. Together they became the firstPresidential opponents to debate face-to-face on television. John Kennedywon the election. During his years as president, John helped surpass a numberof laws. He also established the United States Peace Corps, through

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Effects of Death, Personal Experience and the Supernatural Element

These five poems by Sylvia Plath are all connected by the theme of death, self-loathing, and by the presence of historical, even mythological, concepts. Sylvia Plath uses very powerfully charged imagery of controversial and emotional topics in order to best describe her own life. Most of the poems glitter her own personal life, including the events that she has experienced and, more appropriately, the relationships and emotions that she has felt. Every single one of these five poems uses the word dead and the topic of death itself is prevalent in many manner. Of particular interest is the presence of her relationship with her deceased father, and her own reluctance to let go of his memory. Plaths poetry reflects her own self-loathing and disregard for her own existence. Her poems often hint her own attempts at suicide, in addition to her personal experiences with trying to get rid of her suicidal lusts. In each of her poems she evokes the images of historical and mythical creatur es and concepts linked with the phantasmal and the supernatural. In addition, her poems can be connected by the idea of being held back or held down by some sort of feeling, either of desire for a loved one, escape from mortal existence or of a fantasy world. . The five poems are all relatively similar in structure, as they are all done with stanzas of continuous set lengths in each poem. The colossus, Daddy and Balloons are all written in five-line-stanzas. While The Colossus has no particularly obvious rhyme pattern, it does maintain a steady rhythm. Daddy does have a rhyme scheme focusing on the phone U it is present in every stanza except for one. Balloons does not have a set rhyme scheme, but it does have a sort of melt down to it,... ...s. Introduction to incline Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars, 2010. Print. (Plath 57) Plath, Sylvia. Cut. Introduction to English Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars, 2010. Print. Plath, Sylvia. Daddy. Introduction to English Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars, 2010. Print. Plath, Sylvia. Lady Lazarus. Introduction to English Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars, 2010. Print. (Plath 55-57) Plath, Sylvia. The Colossus. Introduction to English Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2010. Print.Websters English Dictionary. Canadian. Toronto Strathearn Books Limited, 2006. Print.

The Effects of Death, Personal Experience and the Supernatural Element

These five poems by Sylvia Plath are all connected by the theme of death, self-loathing, and by the presence of historical, even mythological, concepts. Sylvia Plath uses very powerfully charged imagery of controversial and emotional topics in order to best describe her own life. Most of the poems gleam her own personal life, including the events that she has experienced and, more appropriately, the relationships and emotions that she has felt. Every single one of these five poems uses the word dead and the topic of death itself is prevalent in almost manner. Of particular interest is the presence of her relationship with her deceased father, and her own reluctance to let go of his memory. Plaths poetry reflects her own self-loathing and disregard for her own existence. Her poems often remark her own attempts at suicide, in addition to her personal experiences with trying to get rid of her suicidal likings. In each of her poems she evokes the images of historical and mythical cre atures and concepts linked with the phantasmal and the supernatural. In addition, her poems can be connected by the idea of being held back or held down by some sort of feeling, either of desire for a loved one, escape from mortal existence or of a fantasy world. . The five poems are all relatively similar in structure, as they are all done with stanzas of continuous set lengths in each poem. The heavyweight, Daddy and Balloons are all written in five-line-stanzas. While The Colossus has no particularly obvious rhyme pattern, it does maintain a steady rhythm. Daddy does have a rhyme scheme focusing on the go bad U it is present in every stanza except for one. Balloons does not have a set rhyme scheme, but it does have a sort of feed to it,... ...s. Introduction to incline Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars, 2010. Print. (Plath 57) Plath, Sylvia. Cut. Introduction to English Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of Englis h. Toronto Canadian Scholars, 2010. Print. Plath, Sylvia. Daddy. Introduction to English Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars, 2010. Print. Plath, Sylvia. Lady Lazarus. Introduction to English Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars, 2010. Print. (Plath 55-57) Plath, Sylvia. The Colossus. Introduction to English Literature. Comp. Trent University Department of English. Toronto Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 2010. Print.Websters English Dictionary. Canadian. Toronto Strathearn Books Limited, 2006. Print.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Administrative research paper

Operational efficacy in any institution is essential to the success of the organisational goals and objectives. Healthc be institutions encounter an increasing challenge in proper utilization of resources, improving care and lowering costs. The reduction of bottlenecks and the implementation of solutions that facilitate cost-effective elucidations to major challenges allow any business to prosper. However, In Long term acute care (LATA) infirmary facilities for seniors, the assertion Is easier said than done.Successful do management is not a one time event. Our Lady of the Lake demands rational ND accurate decision-making. The capturing, evaluating and improving data is the first phase on the path to prosperity. This research paper examines the fundamental aspects of operating(a) management in an L ingenuity hospital setting. Our Lady of the Lake is focused on how events w queasy be planned and organized to advertise the hospital and plug that the club wrings all of the serv ices.Our Lady of The Lake Hospital explores how advertising will be done to increase the publicity of the facility. In conclusion, it explores the purchasing and account processes that the Hospital ill need in order for its success. Operation management is focused in dealing with facts to streamline future performance of an organization. Therefore, it is imperative to roofize on the sizes and the true of data collected.The tools that are essential for improving the operation of L TACT are contained in the data collected. The management of the analyzed data is essential in supporting quality decision-making. Inherently, data is determined by the numbers and figures collected. In each serial publication of numbers lies a specific pattern. The recognition of the trends in these series enables one to exploit hem in improving the day-to-day operations of the facility (Russell & Taylor, 2010).The critical phases of ensuring effective operation management in L TACT hospitals include Set ting the objective Identifying the inherent and potential risks Defining success criteria in terms of benchmarks Assessing risks involved in meeting the set success criteria Producing the action plan and setting the timeline Implementing the action plan Monitoring and reviewing the outcomes of the plan The increasingly competitive wellnesscare industry requires facility management to improve hospital and health systems through the incorporation of innovative operation management strategies utilized in other successful industries such as manufacturing plants and factory floors to get ahead of competition and gain market share through the provision of high quality health services. The Kamikaze Technique will be utilized to ensure success in the facility. The technique is widely and successfully used in the manufacturing industry.The approach will comprise of the analysis of the clients experience from start to finish. This will be a unbroken process where relevant and appropriate al terations will be initiated to improve all service aspects. The process starts from the design of the facility, through the organization of surgical supplies and planning of Mrs., to the effect of clients. As the operations gradually improve, the facility will save 3. 5 percent per patient annually. The efficacy improvements will enable the hospital serve 40 percent more clients in the next five years. The move will allow the company to circumvent more than $30 million in capital expenditure.Therefore positioning the hospital to have sufficient funds for further expansion. Planning and organizing events New businesses require marketing regarding their existence, the extending of alternatives, improved services compared to the existing ones and consumer awareness. fraternity events are among the events that have previously proved successful in engaging the community to ensure that they can identify with an organization. The events that involve patients and their family members are essential in demonstrating the potential of a L TACT facility. Considering that Our Lady of the Lake hospital in this research paper is new, it is essential to demonstrate to the public the potential of the services and the staff.Initially, in order to reach a wide customer base, the hospital will engage the services of an advertising agency to forums for adults where they can freely interact with the hospital staff. The marketing department will use the opportunity to promote the services offered by the facility. For children, the events will include plays that will keep them engaged as the adults are given cultivation some the hospital and the new services that will be offered. It is imperative to develop a scheme that will ensure attracting a huge customer base. In this regard, the hospital will offer free long-term service for the first three patients in each of these events.Others that will encounter the events will be given free one-time service and consequently requested to make follow-up visits to the facility (Punk, 2013). Planning and coordinating advertising for visibility The yield of many hospitals requires that the institutions invest significantly on advertising to promote the services offered and attract clients. Intrinsically, few hospitals do not advertise their services particularly those that offer services un usable in other hospitals such as cardiac and neurological services. In financing advertising, hospital managements require implementing a variety of top hat raciest to ensure the success of the strategy (Russell & Taylor, 2010).These strategies will be utilized to ensure the success of the L TACT facility. The facility will embrace retail advertising. This strategy requires taking the progressions to where the potential clients are located. Prior to camping in these locations, the hospital will place adverts in the local newsprint, social media, bill boards and television. The adverts will however be meant to catch the atten tion of the public about a forthcoming exhibition in selected shopping malls building one on one relationships with community members. The actual demonstrations will be inducted in the exhibition stands in a variety of the selected shopping malls, parks and streets.The approach will allow clients see the available products while marketing staff will explain the services, and the physicians and clinical officers will answer questions (Carcinoma, 2013). The marketing division will target holidays and condition-cognizance months to promote the technology, services and health check staff. The holiday-based promotion is projected to expand. The hospital will therefore have the opportunity to engage clients, relatives and medical staff in a constructive way. At the uniform time, the managements will attract media coverage. Considering the wide target market, the management will require increasing the marketing manpower (Moan, Kumar & Superhumanly, 2013). Additionally, it is imperative t o be discriminatory when selecting the advertising and promotion efforts.For instance, it is economical to label the pharmacy bags of the hospital. Passersby are likely to notice the hospitals logo on the bag when carried by a patient. They will become inquisitive about the new hospital in their backyard and people tend to remember images the more they see them. To properly encode a memory, you must first be give attention. Since you cannot pay attention to everything all the time, most of what you encounter every day is simply filtered out, and only a few stimuli pass into your conscious awareness. Purchasing and inventory The first step towards the effective operational management is the purchase of of processing devices and servers.The Health Information Technology (HIT) will cater to the rest of the software to enumeration an efficient operational management system. There is a wide range of inventory materials that require to be purchased for maintaining patients records. Howe ver, considering the contemporary level of technological advancements, it is imperative to embrace emerging technologies to ensure competitiveness in the healthcare industry. Among the technologies that will be utilized in the facility to facilitate operational management include electronic Health Records (ERR), Electronic Medical Records (EMMER), Personal Health Records (PAR) and Health Information Technology (HIT). To successfully purchase and implement the technologies, there will be a process involving the mapping of chart data.This process aligns contemporary used data components with the features of the ERR. In order to maximize the reimbursements of the HIT, the conversion process will be leaned and the work flow will be reviewed to establish any opportunities for improving the processes. The digitizing of all the hospital records will simplify and prompt access of any information that facilitate the efficient delivery of services. These technologies will be integrated with a ccounting packages that will enable the evaluation of the hospitals financial performance while reflecting the impact of other technologies aimed at streamlining service delivery (Russell & Taylor, 2010).The Arena BOOM Control assists organizations in managing bills of materials (MM). It also helps in controlling the equines change process while sharing product and service information with suppliers and providers. Using such a strategy in the L TACT facility will ensure that the right products are generated, patients get the right service, schedules are met and costs are controlled. Implementing solutions using an operational lens, the facility will receive extra- and well-earned-visibility in addition to the attention received through advertising. The package is essential for supervise resource utilization. References Carcinoma, A. (2013). Strategies for hospital advertising success.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Analyse the sun’s newspaper leading article Essay

The solarise is a tabloid news story, which is generally short and easy to read. The word spirit adds evidence that The Sun targets a simple audience, which dont have to be highly educated. The Sun is aimed at the middle class market (red top). As well as being strictly right-wing politics, the paper also has an untrustworthy reputation, they can also have tendency to exaggerate the truth and even print lies. Papers often exaggerate to make the station sound more devastating and to have a more dramatic effect on the reader. The Sun gives a graphical view into what happened on folk the 11th.The denomination on the 12th September 2001 is presented quite visually. The paper uses headlines to attract the readers attention and to summarise the facts of the article. The main title for the article is The Sun Says. The title is printed in large capital letters, is discourteous and has white letters printed on a wispy sanctionground. White letters on a black background are utilize to focus people attention on the title. Bold text is also utilize to make trustworthy text pay aside from the rest. The heraldic bearing is to summarise the article, which is what The sun says This short unfinished doom makes the reader want read on and this creates suspense as well as getting reader interest. This heading is also influencing the readers point of view. The main Sub heading is All the world must unite to bastinado these evil cowards. This heading is printed in large letters, is bold, underlined, has white letters on a black background and in the spunk of the article. The heading is in the centre of the article this is to break up the text and grab peoples attention. The heading is used to give a message, which in this case is everyone, must cooperate together to find out who committed this un proved attack.This heading is also exaggerated to creating drama and excitement to stimulate the interest of the reader. Below the sub heading in a picture of some of the people caught up in the accident. This is eye catching and is reinforcing what is being said in the text. The picture is followed by the legend Terror victims. New York workers flee the devastation covered in dust yesterday This caption is to get a certain receipt from the reader. The generator varies the sentence lengths to make short sentences punchy and knockout-hitting on the audience.This simple short sentences They must is the first sentence of the article after the subheading. Short sentences are to emphasise a certain point. The point for this sentence is really the answer to the sub heading before it. This has a dramatic effect on its audience to unite in the wake of yesterdays horrors. An additional short sentence is Not after yesterday. This is due to the amount of lives that were lost and threat of another attack. This is playing on the audiences emotions. The writer uses a variety of techniques to help write a powerful article.Emotive language is used to provoke a certain response this can be demonstrated by the phrase But the world will never be the uniform again. This phrase is used to provoke an emotional response from the audience because the towers will never be rebuilt or be the same again. In order to create emotions, The Sun had to be nonreversible and argue their point in order to get a certain emotion, among the audience. The writer uses the single word exactly which is written in Italic writing. This is to emphasise the word and make it stand out from the rest of the paragraph. The word is also to persuade the audience to adopt their point of view.Bold text stand is used several clock throughout the article. Various types of the bold text are It is our duty to support them, both morally and if necessary practically and They must be hunted down and killed. These quote are both subtitles. These subtitles are bold to catch the readers attention and make you want to read more. The bold also makes the text stand out from the rest of the paragraph. Both of these sentences give the read a feeling that if there is a war then we should back America. A rhetorical question is often asked for effect, this is to get a reader interested in what is happening.Were his words treated as bravado rather that a dire threat? By asking a question the reader is leaving the answer up to the readers imagination and for them to draw their own opinion. In addition, the writer also uses questions from famous people in order to support their view. By quoting the prime minister the writer helps to support this view and it gets the paper politically involved. Tony Blair quoted, The terrorists were in human Journalists often exaggerate the truth to have a greater impact on the reader. For example The world will NEVER be the same again. By exaggerating the story the writer is trying to create a more devastating story. By developing and twisting the story the writer is assuming what has happened, however cant prove what actually to ok place. This is called suppression and is created by saying an example of this is If they had a nuclear bomb, they would use it. Exaggeration is also being used to influence the readers point of view like in the phrase describing the disaster similar to Armageddon, Death Wish and the Towering Inferno. Writers some times use rhyming phrases in order to create phrases or slogans to keep the suspense of the article.Examples of rhyming phrases in the article include George W. Bush will not shirk from using might in the cause of right. And we have won before. We will win again. By playing on words, using Rhyming phrases and repetition the writer is focusing on a certain point or word. In this case the word is we which is at the end of the article to get crosswise the point that we can win. The Language used in the Sun is informative, angry and sad. The language is a key tool in making a composition as affective as possible as it keeps the audience interested.A great example of thi s is the phrase New York workers flee the devastation of yesterday. This example of sad language is to provoke angry response from the audience. The language is also dramatic an example of this is he must be bold. This is to provoke the response that George Bush must be brave and daring. At the time of the disaster I was at school so I didnt find out until I got home. When I saw the pictures on the television I felt a great lose for the families and could not belief something like this could happen, it affects everyone.The bottom lines of the article are trying to get people to unite and get everyone to pray for America and for us all. This powerful phrase is supposed to have a abiding affect on the reader and to influence their opinion. The leading article is a story expressing the newspapers point of view they are normally hard hitting, powerful and personnel. Some times they are actually written by the editor and they are much more opinionated than other reports. This type new spaper tries to make up peoples minds for them as it is mainly biased.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Citizen Kane Shot Composition

Pick 2 out of the 3 images and analyse in depth how their composition affects the storytelling of Orson Welles Citizen Kane. Word Count guck 600words. In this long shot we see Kanes mother in the foreground is sigining the documents for Kane to be taken by the banker. Kane however is in the background playing with the snow. It shows the whiteness in Kane who is playing happily in the snow and unaware of what is happening to his future. The mother is the one signing the documents which demostrates little love for her child over herself which in course leads kane to crave love more than anything in his later life.The lighting in the scene where Kane is playing happily in the snow also is starchy with little cast shadows, this shows the purity of his character. The use of the window to frame little Kane places the emphasis on him and shows how the signing of the documents will have a crucial come to on Kane. The framing also creates contrast between the joyful mood of kane playing o utside with the serious discussions in the house. The men are in a dark room, silouette of the man talking in front is seen. This shot uses only back lighting as the sole source of lighting to create a mysterious and secretive mood.The dark room signifys that the men have many questions on their mind about Charles Foster Kane and his live on words, hence being leave in the dark. The set-up also establishes the stage for the rest of the story. None of the men are actually in the focus in this shot, it shows that neither of them are of becoming significance in the story. The way the room is lid also expresses the filmmakers views about members of the media. The strong light and shadow contrast shows the characters somewhat shady intentions for uncovering the last words of kane.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay

Everyday, stereotype is used in the society. Sometimes, when sight use stereotype on new(prenominal) people, they dont even recognize it because its so common and is ignored by the society. Its a way to judge people by dint of their common believes based on ethnicity, gender, skin color, appearance and language of the people who be universe judged. For example, when people see a Vietnamese woman in her 20s, 30s and 40s just migrated to America, they would assume that she forget be working in a nail salon and minx with some rich guys to get married with. cosmos stereotype is difficult deal with, and its really offended and hurtful. The Myth of the Latin woman I Just Met a Girl Named Maria by Judith Ortiz Cofer and Mother Tongue by Amy Tan sh atomic number 18 some common and different stereotypes that they had to go through. In the grade The Myth of the Latin Woman I just met a Girl Named Maria, Judith Cofer wrote about her experiences being stereotyped as a Latin woman. In M other Tongue, Amy shared her personal experiences being stereotyped with her languages barrier.Even though the two female authors shared the similarity for being stereotyped by the society, they faced different situations on the way they were stereotyped. In The Myth of The Latin Women, there are numerous stereotypes that Latin women are judged for. Being a Latin woman, Cofer was judged falsely. Clothing in the Latin culture is a means of expression. Cofer explains that woman and girls often wear brightly colored outfits, specifically rangees and skirts. The wearable that Latin women wear also has an influence on how others might see them. Cofer describes that, As young girls, it was our mothers who influenced our decisions about clothes and colors, Unfortunately, the media twisted this tradition, making it translate into Hispanic women as the hot tamale or sexual firebrand (245).Another stereotype that Cofer undergo was that of the level and rate of her maturity. Latin women are often seen in a seductive way. Some people may mistake the way they dress as a sign as someone who is older, more mature, and more experienced than their actual age. When a Puerto Rican girl dressed in her idea of what is attractive meets a man from the mainstream culture, a clash is likely to take congeal, (246). Cofer lived this and states how when a boy kissed her and she didnt respond, I thought you Latin girls were supposed to mature early, (246). Cofer speaks of this incident as another example as stereotyping bythe media. This boy was brought up believe that girls who dressed in a certain sexy fashion must be different and more mature. Latin women are also shown in a different light in the media as apposed to white women. You often see Hispanic women in domestic roles, which leads them being cataloged.Another incident where Cofer was stereotyped took place when she was older. Cofer was at a restaurant where she was doing her first poetry reading. A woman called her over to her table and she ordered a cup of coffee from me (Cofer) assuming I was the waitress, (247). Cofer recognizes that Latin woman are often put into a box that limit them to domestic duties. It is a stereotype that most Latin women have jobs that are more in the service end of domestic duties, i.e. waitresses, laundresses, housekeepers. Cofer used her poetry reading as a way to show all that just because she was Latin did not mean that she was illiterate or uneducated.In this essay, Tan is likely to reach out to immigrant families that went through similar hardships on communication that she and her mother experienced. To some(prenominal) people, language was not seen as a form of communication, but as a barrier that cut them off from the world. This was a common problem for people coming from other countries or who grew up under privileged.In any society something that is common to one person can seem unusual to another. Because of this confusion, stereotypes and diagonal can be f ormed. Cofer wrote this essay The Myth of the Latin woman I Just Met a Girl Named Maria, as a way to expose the current stereotyping Latin woman face. Cofer analyzes her experiences and shares her opinions on why they even happened. Cofer shared how the way Latin women dress is not to be sexy or to attract men. The women dress like that because thats is how there mothers dressed on hot islands. It was common to wear bright colored dress on a tropical island and not cogent clothing to stay cool. It is also a misconception that Latin girls are fast when it comes to their maturity.Because they are seen in an alluring way, some people maybe think they are more sexually mature. Cofer clarifies that this is not the case, Latin girls mature and grow atthe same rate as any other girl. Cofer also told a story of how because of her race a woman assumed she was a waitress in a restaurant. Another way of discrimination to Latin women, that all of them have jobs in the domestic field. Cofer re ally brings to light how easy it is to judge a person and use a stereotype against them. Cofer shows that if people took the time to talk and understand other cultures then all of these misunderstanding, wouldnt be turned into stereotyping. Supporting Cofer in her efforts to stop this stereotyping from happening could make a big difference in how everyone will treat each other.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Things They Carried

Tim OBriens original, The Things They Carried, provides an incredible realization of what livelihood was worry for an Ameri sens soldier who fought in Vietnam from perspectives before, during, and later on(prenominal) the fight. The legends exponent draws you in. It makes the rasets in the level seem real and provides the commentator with a sense of what it feels like to be one of the soldiers. OBriens talent as a source do a fictional chronicle more than than than believable to the reader. When translation this phonograph record, the reader struggles with depicting what is factual and what is fictional.OBrien provides this effect by blurring the line in the midst of human race and fantasy. The book recollects umteen stories from OBriens deliver experiences as a soldier and includes fictional aspects to enhance the story and to help OBrien detect his halt across. OBrien teaches us in both of these stories that there is no difference between what is factual an d what is fictional in war. By doing this, the reader experiences the feelings that OBrien and his comrades felt. The Things They Carried describes what those workforce carried to battle and choke off home, both tangible and intangible.The unused questions what war is and what the individual soldiers received out of it. This novel is an eye opener. Any persons perspectives on the war and its soldiers be most certainly to change after practice this book. The Things They Carried brings the Vietnam War to life like no civilian could have perpetually presupposed. The things the soldiers carried in Vietnam were both tangible and intangible. The tangible items include the usual equipment that soldiers carry, but most important is the intangibles.This book emphasizes that the intangibles the soldiers carried influenced everything round their lives, before, during and after the war. These things included the mental and psychological tip carried by the soldiers. This weight include d shame, horrid memories, expiration and destruction. It included relationships and personal trials and temptations. It similarly included the soldiers way of handling the war. Many soldiers draw in the novel used things such as drugs, pain, or fantastical illusions to deal with the war. The author, who is the narrator, was against the war.The book displays the weight of the personal struggle that he felt as just aboutone against what he was doing over there. Another aspect that the book describes is the inexperience that the soldiers carried. This came from their age. Most, including the author, were of 21 years of age or younger. They carried the weight of large futures being destroyed by their troth in the war. alone of these aspects put extreme emotional stress on the lives of these soldiers during and after the war. The author deals with his emotional dilemmas by wiring about the tragedies and emotions he and his comrades felt.The book is entirely based off of these thin gs. Its purpose is to help those who were not there to understand what it felt like to be them and for us to never stop the things they carried. The Things They Carried is about death. It questions death. It asks what death feels like. It also answers these questions by pulling death up and bringing it back to life. It brings it back to life and ranks its stories. These stories share with the reader what death feels like. They disposition the reader what death is like for you and those who care about you.The author includes this topic, because it relates to something important to him that he carried over there. He carried his first experience of feeling what death is like. This was the story he wrote at the end of the novel about his first love, Linda, as a nine year old dying of a brain tumor. He took this story and related it to the death of his comrades and the people he killed. It provides the reader with the experience of not just k flating about death, but living it. This book wedge joined States history greatly. It provides a perspective of not just the Vietnam War, but all war.It is a testament to the Statesns of what life is like defending freedom, whether or not you find out with the cause. This book force United States history by helping complete the story. It helps issue the last few pages of what this war was about not by cream it with more facts, but by filling it with questions, experiences, and life. This book demonstrates to Americans why views and opinions were make and also the purpose for human beingsy controversial decisions in our history. This book repaired our soils history by giving the Vietnam War a personal touch.Without this book, Americans would be left with only facts, information, and brief explanations for what life was like for the soldiers. The Things They Carried continues to impact readers and helps ordinate understanding of current events. Because of this, it will continue to impact United States history for g enerations and its importance to our nation and its history will only grow. The Things They Carried also greatly force history in general. It did this especially for those living in Vietnam who were wedge by the war. It shares with them the trials and tribulations that Americans encountered.The book shares with these people an emotional side to the war and helps them understand our soldiers many motives. On an international scale, the book helps those who question American tactics and procedures to understand our nations motives, principles, and character. Many mistakes were made on our countrys vary during the war and this book helps those who question those mistakes and or were impacted by them a sense of understanding and mercy. This book also helps people to understand what life was like for all those who fought in wars throughout the Earths history.It provides a sense of understanding of what all soldiers are impacted by in war commencement from the set about of time. I ha ve been greatly impacted by this book in both a positive and negative way. I have been positively impacted by the new sense of understanding and compassion for the Vietnam War Veterans. I can now see clearly what experiences they face during the war. I can also understand the feelings of those who were against the war and attempted to avoid fighting in it, much like the author. Another aspect I understand better now is their lives after the war.The emotional turmoil that veterans go through once they arrive home from war can be greatly understood by reading this book. stock-still though it is troubling and I arrive it more than sinful, I have a greater sense of understanding for those like Norman Bowker from the novel who took his own life. Even though I am highly against his action, I understand why he felt lost, empty, and purposeless on Earth after the war. Norman felt like he died in Vietnam and he struggled to gravel his place and purpose in life. This led to his self-dest ruction.Because OBrien included this story, it is much easier to find compassion for someone who would do what Bowker did. After reading this book, I have a new found respect for Veterans. I have felt their emotions and their tragedies, because of the power and naive realism of this book and now my compassion and respect for them has heightened greatly. The book also impacted me in a negative way. I hate to ever imagine that the things described in the book ever happened, but this book made these things a reality for me. Many of the tales told in this book are very disturbing and horrifying.though without the truthfulness and realism of this book and its stories, we would never be able to unfeignedly understand what happened to those who served in the Vietnam War. I am forever grateful for reading this book. All Americans need to read it. Without it, they will never be able to understand what the Vietnam War Veterans truly went through in Vietnam and what horrible memories they a re face up with remembering today. Tim OBriens talent as a writer is what makes this novel such a compelling and eye opening experience. The Things They Carried is truly an American timepiece and a pivotal piece of American and historical literature.The Things They CarriedOutlineLiterature Summary The Things They Carried, published in 1990 tells a true story of Tim OBrian, author and main character, who is drafted for the Vietnam war. He tells about the different items that him and his fellow soldiers carried with them to help cope with the traumatic environment that they were placed in.Thesis Statement com/tim-obrien-the-things-they-carried-and-his-writing-style/The Things They Carried is a perfect example that shows that post-traumatic stress disorder (posttraumatic stress disorder) is an loss as old as war, only recently have we discovered its true effectuate on our servicemen and women, and we have yet to find a truly effective remedy. I. What are the causes of posttraumati c stress disorder?A. Tony Dokoupil claims moral injury is the steer cause of PTSD. B. Robert Burns says army suicides are way to high. II. How current extendment for PTSD is flunk? A. Lindsey Tanner reveals that dangerous painkillers are given to vulnerable veterans. B. Tony Dokoupil examines the changes in a group of veterans once they return from battle. III. How could treatment be better?A. William Becker shares his belief on the ideal treatment. B. What is our job as civilians for our veterans? PTSD An Epidemic Does America Need to Improve Treatment?Most Americans know that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is something that effects veterans when they add together back from war. However, most Americans dont know the full extent of PTSD in a veterans life. There are some very serious effects of war that change the lives of veterans and those close to them. Most soldiers want to protect their country and still make it home alive. This sometimes forces an acquitted man to do things that he is ashamed of.Also, just the trauma and risk of being in a war can cause a man to be changed drastically when he returns from war. The treatment for this common disorder is lacking effectiveness. In some cases veterans end up being worse after finishing treatment and others just cover up their guilty conscience and sadness with prescription drugs. Being one of the most advanced countries in the world it is only level-headed that America could find a better way to treat this devastating syndrome. It is the least(prenominal) American citizens can do for sending thousands of troops into a traumatic situation.The Things They Carried is a perfect example that shows that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an issue as old as war, only recently have we discovered its true effects on our servicemen and women, and we have yet to find a truly effective remedy. In the book The Things They Carried Lieutenant Jimmy Cross feels guilty because he believes that he is not t he leader that the men in his company need (1990). Tony Dokoupil also discusses this in his word, Moral Injury, by stating that recent studies have discovered that guilt may be a major factor of PTSD.Dokoupil lectures about a group of marine preservatives, the Saints and the Sinners. He explains how Fox Company, members of The Saints and the Sinners, were walking through the streets of capital of Iraq when their radio operator was shot in the head. Fox Company began taking heavy fire, so they started shooting at everything that moved. Instantly bullets rained down and a grenade even bounced behind their cover. However it was a dud. Tony claims that moral injury is the leading cause of PTSD. Most marines talk about guilt, shame, or regret, not about being scared.Dokoupil continues to write about Lu Lobello who was a machine gunner in Fox Company. When Lobello talked to a group of people about his experience, he revealed that they had killed about 20 civilians that particular(preno minal) day in Baghdad. Lobello describes the many cars holding families in them that were lifeless after the firefight. His most disturbing image of that day was a fellow marine who moody to Lobello and screamed, We shot a baby (as cited in Dokoupil, 2012) Dokoupil explains that marines arent scared, they feel guilty and regretful (2012).In Robert Burns article, Military Suicides are at a Record high-pitched, he stresses Suicides in the U. S. Military surged to a record 349 last year. Burns explains that not only is this number way too high, but is 48 suicides more than the year before (2012). Warren Kinghorn, a psychiatrist at the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), stresses that in 2012, suicide was a greater cause of death than combat for Army soldiers. An estimated 10%-20% of returning combat veterans meet criteria for PTSD, says Kinghorn.She explains that when a veteranwalks into the VA, the treatment often involves a short-term talk therapy course and medication. That is o ff the beaten track(predicate) from enough, Kinghorn expresses. The definition of PTSD is having experienced, witnessed, or (have) been confronted with death or serious injury in oneself or others. This is very misleading because most veterans suffer collect to taking the life of other human beings. Shira Maguen, a psychologist at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, has documented that PTSD is worse and thoughts of suicide are higher among veterans who have killed someone (as cited in Kinghorn, 2012).(2012)According to an article by Lindsey Tanner, a government study claims that pain killers such as morphine are being prescribed to veterans who suffer from corporal pain along with PTSD, and the results are often dangerous. The same study mentions that not only are these veterans prone to drug and alcohol abuse but they are twice as likely to be prescribed addictive pain killers over veterans with only physical pain. Along with addiction, suicides, and other self inflicted injuri es, are more common for veterans with PTSD who received those drugs.Michael Von Korff, a chronic illness researcher, stresses that the emotional problems involved in PTSD are often made worse by these opioids (as cited in Tanner, 2012). Tanner goes on to say, These prescriptions went to almost 18 per centum of vets with PTSD and 12 percent of those with other mental health problems, compared to about 7 percent of vets without these problems. Dr. William Becker, a Yale university instructor, says The study brings much needed attention to the complexity of this problem (2012). Tony Dokoupils article points out that even though Fox Company made it home alive they were changed forever.One in four of them had PTSD. The men of Fox Company tried to hide it, but careers crumbled and marriages fell apart. Dokoupil adds, Self harm is now the leading cause of death for members of the army Every month 1,000 of them attempt to take their own lives (2012). This is similar in the novel The Thi ngs They Carried. Tim introduces us to his daughter Kathleen, he tries to tell her the meaning of war and why we participate in it but he just cannot tell her the whole truth. Just like Fox Company Tim had make things that he was ashamed of and he could not talk about them openly to his family.Which is why treatment is such an important foundation for veterans (1990). In Lindsey Tanners article Vets Prone to Drug Addiction Get Risky Painkillers, William Becker says The ideal treatment includes behavioral counseling therapy for war wounds and management of chronic pain (as cited in Tanner, 2012) (2012). On Guard Against PTSD is an article that explains that security professionals who get assigned to dangerous, stressful situations will also experience post-traumatic stress. This is normal says the article, but when this occurs continuously and intensely is when it gets dangerous.The article continues by stating that sooner or later the human body runs out of ways to cope and is over whelmed mentally and physically, leading to PTSD (2013). Warren Kinghorn also explains in his article, The Moral Dimensions of PTSD, that as civilians it is our job to take care of the veterans and have patience with their recovery, we sent them to war in the first place, its the least we can do (2012). PTSD going untreated is still a current epidemic. Gunman killed by police was Iraq vet who spoke of PTSD is an article explaining the story of Santiago A. Cisneros III.He lived in Multnomah county and on Monday, March 4th, 2013 he opened fire on two police officers. The officers had no choice to shoot back and kill Cisneros. This Oregonian veteran had frequently talked about PTSD and how he may have it, but he never got treatment. This just shows how these men and women are expected to be tough and strong and how they can feel ashamed to ask for help (2013). Take heart Post-traumatic stress disorder says that the death and suicide of too many veterans has prompted the Army to promise that seeking treatment will not affect a soldiers job.This article also says that the idea of giving PTSD sufferers a Purple Heart award has been tossed around among government officials. This only seems fair due to the life-changing risk that they took to end up with this dramatic disorder (2009). America should take Ted Lavender into account when they think of how not to treat PTSD. He is another character that OBrian writes about in The Things They Carried. Sadly he dies before long after the novel begins but up until that point he is popping tranquilizer pills to calm himself down. This illustrates the type of addiction that could occur in a veterans life (1990).Post-traumatic stress disorder is extensively described in the book The Things They Carried. It shows that PTSD is an injury that hasnt changed in decades. The only thing that has changed is Americas familiarity of it. It has been called shell shock, battle fatigue, accident neurosis, PTSD, and even more recently it i s known as moral injury. Even though America cannot precisely pinpoint what causes this disorder, the doctors who treat veterans can narrow it down by using examples of previous patients, examples such as guilt and taking another mans life.Currently the system for treating veterans with PTSD is failing, and in some situations making patients worse, like supplying addicted veterans with drugs. Short amounts of therapy and large amounts of painkillers are not what they need. Veterans need time and support with years of talk therapy to work through the moral dimensions of PTSD. For veterans who have this disorder it is a scary and helpless situation. They deserve good quality medical care, but if America cannot find a way to better treat this dilemma then future veterans will be faced with the same trauma that previous veterans have faced for years.The Things They CarriedTim OBriens novel, The Things They Carried, provides an incredible realization of what life was like for an America n soldier who fought in Vietnam from perspectives before, during, and after the war. The storys power draws you in. It makes the events in the story seem real and provides the reader with a sense of what it feels like to be one of the soldiers. OBriens talent as a writer made a fictional story more than believable to the reader. When reading this book, the reader struggles with depicting what is factual and what is fictional.OBrien provides this effect by blurring the line between reality and fantasy. The book recollects many stories from OBriens own experiences as a soldier and includes fictional aspects to enhance the story and to help OBrien get his point across. OBrien teaches us in all of these stories that there is no difference between what is factual and what is fictional in war. By doing this, the reader experiences the feelings that OBrien and his comrades felt. The Things They Carried describes what those men carried to battle and back home, both tangible and intangible.T he novel questions what war is and what the individual soldiers received out of it. This novel is an eye opener. Any persons perspectives on the war and its soldiers are most certainly to change after reading this book. The Things They Carried brings the Vietnam War to life like no civilian could have ever imagined. The things the soldiers carried in Vietnam were both tangible and intangible. The tangible items include the usual equipment that soldiers carry, but most important is the intangibles.This book emphasizes that the intangibles the soldiers carried influenced everything about their lives, before, during and after the war. These things included the mental and psychological weight carried by the soldiers. This weight included shame, horrid memories, death and destruction. It included relationships and personal trials and temptations. It also included the soldiers way of handling the war. Many soldiers described in the novel used things such as drugs, pain, or fantastical ill usions to deal with the war. The author, who is the narrator, was against the war.The book displays the weight of the personal struggle that he felt as someone against what he was doing over there. Another aspect that the book describes is the inexperience that the soldiers carried. This came from their age. Most, including the author, were of 21 years of age or younger. They carried the weight of large futures being destroyed by their involvement in the war. All of these aspects put extreme emotional stress on the lives of these soldiers during and after the war. The author deals with his emotional dilemmas by wiring about the tragedies and emotions he and his comrades felt.The book is entirely based off of these things. Its purpose is to help those who were not there to understand what it felt like to be them and for us to never forget the things they carried. The Things They Carried is about death. It questions death. It asks what death feels like. It also answers these questions by pulling death up and bringing it back to life. It brings it back to life and tells its stories. These stories share with the reader what death feels like. They show the reader what death is like for you and those who care about you.The author includes this topic, because it relates to something important to him that he carried over there. He carried his first experience of feeling what death is like. This was the story he wrote at the end of the novel about his first love, Linda, as a nine year old dying of a brain tumor. He took this story and related it to the death of his comrades and the people he killed. It provides the reader with the experience of not just knowing about death, but living it. This book impacted United States history greatly. It provides a perspective of not just the Vietnam War, but all war.It is a testament to Americans of what life is like defending freedom, whether or not you agree with the cause. This book impacted United States history by helping fini shing the story. It helps write the last few pages of what this war was about not by filling it with more facts, but by filling it with questions, experiences, and life. This book demonstrates to Americans why views and opinions were made and also the purpose for many controversial decisions in our history. This book impacted our countrys history by giving the Vietnam War a personal touch.Without this book, Americans would be left with only facts, information, and brief explanations for what life was like for the soldiers. The Things They Carried continues to impact readers and helps give understanding of current events. Because of this, it will continue to impact United States history for generations and its importance to our nation and its history will only grow. The Things They Carried also greatly impacted history in general. It did this especially for those living in Vietnam who were impacted by the war. It shares with them the trials and tribulations that Americans encountered .The book shares with these people an emotional side to the war and helps them understand our soldiers many motives. On an international scale, the book helps those who question American tactics and procedures to understand our nations motives, principles, and character. Many mistakes were made on our countrys part during the war and this book helps those who question those mistakes and or were impacted by them a sense of understanding and mercy. This book also helps people to understand what life was like for all those who fought in wars throughout the Earths history.It provides a sense of understanding of what all soldiers are impacted by in war starting from the beginning of time. I have been greatly impacted by this book in both a positive and negative way. I have been positively impacted by the new sense of understanding and compassion for the Vietnam War Veterans. I can now see clearly what experiences they faced during the war. I can also understand the feelings of those who were against the war and attempted to avoid fighting in it, much like the author. Another aspect I understand better now is their lives after the war.The emotional turmoil that veterans go through once they arrive home from war can be greatly understood by reading this book. Even though it is disturbing and I find it more than sinful, I have a greater sense of understanding for those like Norman Bowker from the novel who took his own life. Even though I am highly against his action, I understand why he felt lost, empty, and purposeless on Earth after the war. Norman felt like he died in Vietnam and he struggled to find his place and purpose in life. This led to his suicide.Because OBrien included this story, it is much easier to find compassion for someone who would do what Bowker did. After reading this book, I have a new found respect for Veterans. I have felt their emotions and their tragedies, because of the power and realism of this book and now my compassion and respect for th em has heightened greatly. The book also impacted me in a negative way. I hate to ever imagine that the things described in the book ever happened, but this book made these things a reality for me. Many of the tales told in this book are very disturbing and horrifying.Though without the truthfulness and realism of this book and its stories, we would never be able to truly understand what happened to those who served in the Vietnam War. I am forever grateful for reading this book. All Americans need to read it. Without it, they will never be able to understand what the Vietnam War Veterans truly went through in Vietnam and what horrible memories they are faced with remembering today. Tim OBriens talent as a writer is what makes this novel such a compelling and eye opening experience. The Things They Carried is truly an American timepiece and a pivotal piece of American and historical literature.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Animal Cruelty’s Effect to Society Essay

mess a lot think that animals argon just unconscious creatures that tire outt c are about their day by day lives. But they are actually just like us, they are living breathing creatures with simple lives and priorities. They prioritize more important things like, aliment, shelter and caring for their early and not like unimportant things like what theyre going to wear, wholl look better and the like. But since we are the dominant species, thence we are the ones who are alleged(a) to serve up them when they are in need and care for them if they need medical care.But approximatelytimes hatful just underestimate them and abuse them for fun, money , scientific experiments, etc. But they dont see that theyre actually causing harm to them and to the society, they just think that theyre only here for food and entertainment. But thats where theyre wrong, theyre actually the ones that should be the dominant species since theyre here first and were the ones that are supposed to help them do it more about the demesne. So we should also help while theyre alive so well have more use to them and we should spend our lives, sharing the world with them and not trying to wipe them out of the face of the earth.Some people say, We help them, they help us. That is true because if youre kind enough to them then theyll help you when youre in trouble but some people misunderstood that, they think that we should help them by feeding them and they should help us by let us kill them for profit. But thats not how it should be, we should treat them as our own, help them as if theyre humans. Because without them, then we wouldnt exist right instantly because all life begins from animals from the sea and they evolved to be available to be on land until they evolved to turn into us.Also if some animals disappeared from existence, it may have some topsy-turvy results If the bees, butterflies, bats and other animals that can pollinate disappear then plants will not bear flowers, other plants qualification get extinct and lower the atomic number 8 from our planet. If frogs, lizards, chameleons and the like disappeared then flies, locusts and maybe mosquitoes would be everywhere causing food contamination, damaged crops, dengue fever and more catastrophic things. But in some cases when animals attack people, they still shouldnt kill them because its just in their instinct to attack if hey feel threatened or if their territory has been crossed. But people could still defend theirselves by tranquilizing them and sending them for check up after because in some instances they are sick and confused which causes them to attack. Sometimes they mightiness not understand us but we should also learn understand them. Animals help humans, humans must also help animals. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals. If you treat them nicely then people would know that you can do the resembling to other people.But if you treat them violently then tha t means you have the ability to harm or kill people. Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of each living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives, wrote humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer. And according to Robert K. Ressler, who learned profiles of back-to-back killers for the FBI, Murderers very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids. This proves some murderers start out as an animal abuser which then would make them curious on if killing animals is just as fun as killing people.Animal cruelty is not just caused by the abusers curiosity, its also a symptom of a mental disturbance. Some researches in psychology and criminology shows that people who commit animal cruelty rarely stop there, galore(postnominal) of them later moves on to abusing or killing their fellow humans. Most of the records of the FBI shows a history of animal cruelty to many murderers and other criminals. There was a athletic field in Northeastern University and the SPCA of the Massachusetts(USA) which shows that people who commit animal cruelty are five times more likely commit violent crimes against humans.The majority of the inmates at San Quentin penitinary who are sentenced to be executed for committing murder, practiced their crimes on animals before committing their crimes according to the warden. Some people who are cruel to animals are also cruel to children and their family. pack who often neglect the needs of their pets often also neglect their childrens needs. Animal abuse is also an important indicator of child abuse, sometimes when children interpret their parents abusing animals they can get influenced by their parents to do so too because of reacting to anger and frustration.Their violence might be directed at the only individuals in the family who are more vulnerable than they are animal companions. One expert says, Children in violent homes are characterized by frequently participat ing in pecking-order battering, in which they might maim or kill an animal. Childhood cruelty to animals is indeed in the history of domestic violence. But in some cases animal cruelty is often discovered before the child abuse because it is more obvious to the neighbours that often hear the cries and howls of the animals because children are often threatened not to scream by their parents or else theyll get hurt even more.Because of that, animal control agents which are possibly called by the neighbours are allowed to go into the house to investigate and then later possibly see the children with their scars and bruises which leads to being reported to social workers. This means that both the most vulnerable creatures in the house (the children and the pets) are abused by the adults. This proves that discrimination is deliver in the house. Some organizations such as the Baltimore police, The New Jersey Coalition of Battered Women and The Guelph Humane Society(Canada) work with anim al control.Working with other agencies is called Cross insurance coverage which helps solve multiple cases. A study shows that 40% of battered women delayed seeking refuge from their abuser if their animal companion is included. This could possibly mean that the animals are also being abused along with the women since they find comfort from each other. These studies have led to a collaboration among social services and government agencies to develop a program for foster care of those animals. There are currently 100 programs in the US.Violence begins early specially for boys, some adults consider their childrens abusive behaviour to animal to the saying that Boys will be boys. Children who abuse animals should be treated with special care or else it might lead to a horrible way of life. Animal cruelty also proves the fact that most people dont think before they do stuff because they dont think of the consequences of their actions. Everyone should treat animals, children and women fairly because we are all here to help each other on going through our daily lives. People should stop discrimination and learn how to live peacefully together.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Education †school Essay

Education is a topic that has been implemented on our generation more than ever before. However, it is not for the grades, degree or the income that education should be important to us. It is for the sake of learning and developing our character that education should be valued. When people go to school, they fix education and thus become educate, however, these people must keep in mind that a major portion of the world receives no get of egg education. Due to their good fortune, the educated people have responsibilities to the world.The first responsibility of an educated person is to help educate others. This may come in the form of teaching classes, tutoring, helping others or simply correcting errors. When we teach people we spread the value of education and sh are skills that are essential for survival. Other people are able-bodied to think rationally and evolve into a self dependent person through the knowledge they attain. Once people are educated, they are able to prev ent others from taking advantage of them or cheating them. Through education, people are also able to use the resources they own efficiently and sparingly.Finally, education allows people from different nationalities and locations to communicate and work together in a beneficial harmony. The second responsibility of an educated person is to nominate to advance to a meliorate future. It is through evolution that we have become more intellectual and learned. For this process to be beneficial and continuous, we must use it and upgrade it through our use. In the past, converse was a problematic process, today we have e-mail accounts, cell phones, chat sites, video chat sites and messengers for instant communication.Presently, global warming and oil depletion are major complications. If we are able to advance and address this problem, we would be using our education beneficially. There would be less violence over oil and the future would be a less worrisome lieu if global warming was tackled. However, this is just one amongst the billions of changes we could make, all to create a better future. The third responsibility of an educated person is to create or maintain stability and order in the world. Through stability and order, the worldbecomes a much safer place where people shell out respect for each other and live in harmony.When there is order, people are insured of payments for their services. They are motivated to work-hard and use positive, instead of negative path to earn their income. Thus, through stability and order, ethics can also be implemented into people. Thus, the three main responsibilities of an educated person are to educate others, aim for a better future and create as well as maintain stability in the world. Through these goals, the world becomes a positive place and continues to flourish after each generation.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Drama †Blood Brothers Response Essay

crease brothers is a bill which was written in 1981 as a school play and included a range of themes which help the audience understand and step for the figment rather than just watching it. The themes in this play include poverty, innocence, love, games, belief and superstition. I feel that the key themes that control the play are meet and society of the clock time and I feel that most of the story circles around these themes and most concomitants are cause by these themes.To emphasize the themes in the play, we created a three hr version of the play which consisted of still images, yarn and stylise movement. We contumacious to split the play into quartet sections which were fry years, babehood, 14 17 years and 20+ years. We decided that we would show the giving a way of life of the baby as this allows the rest of the story to flow. If it wasnt for this specific scene, the story wouldnt have happened as the giving away of wizard twin is a signifi bay windowt until n owt in the play. This also allowed us to add emotion to our piece as this is one of the several events which scatter people into two opinions. For the second section (which was small fryhood) we included images of them first meeting, acting games, both of the mothers separating rice paddy and Eddie and Mrs Johnstone giving the locket to Eddie.My throng and I felt that these were also important events in the play in fact one of the main themes in the play is games which relates to the robbery and overall shooting of both twins later on. For 14 -17 years, we decided to show both tikeren being suspended from school, the meet up between friends with the devil narration on top which we thought allowed our piece to flow reservation it easier to understand. At the last stage, 20+, we performed four still images which included an unemployment scene, Lindas pregnancy, Eddie and Linda being unneurotic and finally the shooting with the second half of the images having the ill man narra tion over the topTheres a mad man campaign round and roundYou know the devils got your numberYou know hes serious beside youHes screamin deep inside youAnd someone utter hes callin your number up todayTodayTodayTODAYThis piece of narration was used in our three minute version of the play as we thought that it summed up a troop of the disasters in this age group and is a constant theme throughout the play. I found that the best way to tell this story within the three minutes was to use different techniques which allowed expressing and stressing of several moments in a play making it more effective. In our three minute version, this included levels, space and marking the moment. One example of these blameless(prenominal) three put together was when both boys got expelled. We had the class sitting d declare at the back charm the teacher was standing up straight looking down on one pupil who was higher(prenominal) than the class but lower than the teacher. This made use of levels , space and also marked the moment by focusing on the locket.We decided to make the giving away of the baby the most signifi evictt smudge in the play. This is because the whole of the story centres on this point, and if it wasnt for this event, none of the other events would have happened. To mark this moment, we used narration which was originally placed over the point where Mrs Johnstone was only considering giving the baby to Mrs Lyons.How quickly and idea, planted, canTake root and grow into a plan.The thought conceived in this very roomGrew as sure enough as a seed, in a mothers wombThis piece of narration allowed us to realise how the event they are seeing came into being.We found that forum theatre was a very serviceable technique to bring Mickeys monologue to life. Forum theatre was used to change the way we said lines and how to put expression, touch sensation and life to the lines which in turn make the monologue a lot more vibrant and interesting. The way we performe d forum theatre was to have someone acting out a verse of the poem. We then got the audience to comment and suggest improvements. We then acted the verse out again and reiterate the process until we were happy with it. Below is the verse we performed.Y know our Sammy,He draws nudey women,Without arms, or legs or even headsIn the baths, when he goes swimmin.But Im not allowed to go to the baths,Me Mam says I have to wait, romaine lettuce I might get drowned, cos Im only seven,But Im not, Im nearly eight.We started off with the beginning of the verse being said in a very secretive way although it was put in the category of secret in a child which meant that it had to be told something I had felt many a time when I was a young child which also meant my body was slightly crouched and slightly tense. I used the same experience to goggle at what Sammy was able to do when he went swimming. Then disappointment kicks in when I hit But Im not allowed as my voice goes slower and my body slump s and when the mother comes on I re-enact a rather rude hand motion usually used when someone is too talkative time the mother reads her quote. The last line is said in a way of self-pity making the temperament feel sorry for himself which I have felt many times when I was a young child and feeling as if my parents were deriving me of all of the worlds pleasures.In this monologue I learnt that Mickey was a character who always wanted more and wanted something someone else had that he hadnt which is an unmistakable characteristic of Mickey throughout the play. It also helped me realise that it was more than just a greedy feeling as the feeling was a lot deeper and it was if the world had forgotten about him but not the others who lived in the world around him. As I said before, forum theatre had helped me align these characteristics as it helped excogitate what had been written. It was as if there were a lot of muddled thoughts and both me and the audience were helping to piece it together properly so we could both get an idea on how the character was really like and how the character really felt.For individual spontaneous improvisation, I acted as Mrs Johnstone where I was looking at both babies and playing with them as if it were my last time with both of them. Of course, at the time my character would have not know which baby would have been taken and because of this, I acted in a way as if it were the last time for Mrs Johnstone to see both of them. My thought track for this piece was I cant believe this is happening and it would have been hard to come to terms with something which could potentially change somebodys life, especially when it is your own son. This decision was both challenged and supported by a technique called a conscience corridor which we used to find the pros and cons of giving the baby away which was then fired to somebody stepping into the shoes of Mrs Johnstone.Feeling the confused and complicated feelings, it gave us a chance to make our own decision as if we were that character. Some pros included having money, less stress, a better life for your son, less work. Some cons included the guilt of your child being bought, divide up a natural obligate given up to both children, more stress as you annoyance and having to cover it up from the outside world. The conscience corridor was put into action by splitting the class in half and putting them up as two sides to create a human corridor. We then got a member of our class to walk up while each person in the wall said the pros and cons. When the person in the middle finishes walking up through the corridor, he/she tells us his/her decision.In this situation, I wrote a diary entry as Mrs Johnstone. I typed my diary entry up belowI cant believe it is happening. So close to the time where one of my beloved babies would be given away to my employer. I am sure that I am doing the right thing I cant afford to give them both a good life and Mrs Lyons does want a baby so badly. Even so, I feel I am breaking a natural bond given to them both which makes me unsure on whether I should do it. I am in a situation which I would never wish on any mother.Overall, I found that explorative strategies helped us understand Blood Brothers as it allowed us to see what usually are hidden thoughts and feelings of characters. It also allows us to get into character and realise how events and other actions are performed by the character.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Novel Analysis

Worksheet Novel analysis Title The Perks of being a Wallflower Author Stephen Chbosky Genre Epistolary novel Nationality American The publication year 1999 selective information about the author Stephen Chbosky was born January 25th in 1970. He is an American economiser and film director, and is trump known for The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Stephen was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is of Polish, Slovak, Irish and Scottish descent. Chbosky graduated in 1988 from Upper St. Clair risque School. The story The narrator of the novel is a teenage boy by the assumed name Charlie.He tells his story through a series of letters he writes to an anonymous friend he comprehend about at school and thought would be a nice person to write to, establish on the fact that he or she reportedly hadnt slept with someone at a company despite having the opportunity to do so. Charlie explains his fears, problems joys and secrets to this stranger. The story starts by Charlie telling about his anxieties about starting High School the next day. He tells about how his life has been after one of his friends committed suicide, and after his favorite(a) aunt, Helen, died. Charlie is a socially awkward boy.He doesnt really know how to interact with people his age. He is what we border a Wallflower someone whos always on the side, observing others, never being in the centre of things. While struggling with insecurities, friendships and his family, a couple of High school seniors, Patrick and Sam, befriend him, and brings him into their little group. His brisk friends expose him to a new world of sex, drugs, love, patries, death, relationships, friendship, lying, and culpability. Throughout the novel, Charlie is changed from an innocent wallflower whose life was digging his ose in passwords, to an adventurous person who learns that life should be lived not watched. A sub story to what happens in this book is also that Charlies teacher from advanced English class keeps assigni ng him books to read and then write reports on. He only does this with Charlie. (Being a wallflower an ability to observe from the sideline and understand things. ) I remember the theme of this book is that active participation is better than passive, and that you should live your life and participate and pursue your dreams sooner than stand on the sidelines and watch the action. This story also covers topics like adolescence, drug use etc.Some quotes to support my discernment of the theme Do you always think this much Charlie? Is that bad? Not necessarily, Its just that sometimes people use thought to not participate in life. Is that bad? Yes. Maybe these are my glorification days, and Im not even realizing it because they dont involve a ball. I wish this novel a lot because it portrays the confusion of being a teenager, the stigma of being weird and divers(prenominal) than others, how the things that happen to us during childhood have a way of never leaving us and because it tells us that life is to be spent living, not dreaming of it.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Children literacy Essay

The conclusion of this romance is to improve children literacy. This fabrication help oneselfs children to learn contrary animal name and disparate things. User can listen and read to humbug as well. Audience The listening of this written report atomic number 18 children age 4 7 and this bill forget help them to learn names of opposite things and animals and impart improve their grammar. I found that by reading the story and it also has been mentioned on the website.The purpose of last product is to provide entertainment so I ordain need to include this trait however I will gravel sure that the text on my vitality is appropriate and undecomposable so that the reference can understand it easily. Techniques implementd This lifespan has used a number of proficiencys to induce it captain and attractive which eventually makes it successful. The life-time has used buttons to navigate from panorama to other by checking the story bear or next. Users can scratc h the story again if by percolateing back to the start.This buttons are very useful as it allows the substance ab substance ab drug user to skip the scene or start the story again if they have missed any scene. I will also make that I use buttons on my biography so that user have about flexibility and can navigate easily. These features will make my animation professional and suitable for my audience. At the start of the animation there are ii options to encounter the story with expectant or without sound. This is the proficiency used by most professional websites, it helps user to understand the story more easily and make the animation suitable for its purpose.This animation asks user to click on different things, when user click on an object the next scene can be acquire. This means this animation has used different objects on different scenes as a button. I will use this technique on my animation as it will allow user to interact with the animation which will keep the us er interested in the animation. This technique also makes the animation very professional which is a positive aspect approximately this animation. The object to click on An effect has been added to some objects so when a user is going to click on it and pointer is on it.The style of the object will change a white border will surround this object. This technique will help users to acquaint that this is the right object to click on to watch next scene. This technique is bear witnessn on the above cloak shot. In this animation the objects has been used as buttons to make it interactive I will use this technique in my animation. I will also use objects or characters as buttons, which will allow users to watch next scene. I will use buttons on my animation and add effect so that the appearance of these buttons can be change when the pointer is on it.This technique will make my animation more eye-catching and aesthetic. The zoom in and out technique has been used several times in thi s animation. This technique helps user to see the close of the objects which will help them to understand the story. This is a very useful technique as it clearly sees what is happening in the story. I will use this technique where it is important. This will help me to meet the professional standard. This animation has used clouds and question mark to show that the characters are thinking.The face way also shows that the characters are thinking because of the eye movement and hands position. Below the book binding shots shows the two different characters of the story thinking. This animation is very professional because it shows the face expressions. The face of the Micky becomes red when he is angry. Below the screen shots are showing two different emotions. This is a high quality technique as this makes the story interesting and realistic. I will use this technique in my animation I will show the facial expression of my characters to make my animation attractive to its audience and professional.This animation used a cope of motion tweens to show the movements. The legs of the characters move forward to show the walking effects, hands move to show that they are talking and thinking. At the start of the story the leaves are falling down. The birds beak is pitiful to show the talking effect, the eye balls of almost all characters are base and the story bear is moving his one foot while thinking. This is a positive aspect on this animation as it makes the animation more interesting and realistic.I will definitely use motion tweens in my animation to show the characters walking and playing and to show the movements of objects. This will help me to create a realistic and appealing final product. Navigation and interaction This animation is users friendly as its navigation is very effective. To watch the next scene users have to click next or story bear button, this button will also helps user to skip scene. There is another button start the story again which allow user to watch the story again. This gives the user some flexibility.This animation interacts with the users a lot as user have to click the button to watch the next scene and it also asks user to click on different objects. This animation allow user to get involve in the story which will keep their interest manger the end. Strengths Techniques There are number of good points about this story. These strengths make the animation suitable for its purpose and audience. graduation exercise of all the animation has used range of techniques. Such as motion tweens, zoom in, face expressions and user interaction. These techniques made the story interesting and professional.This animation also uses clouds to show what the characters are thinking. I will be using some of these techniques to ensure that my product is to the best possible standard. Another good point about this animation is that the scenes flow in a sequence which makes it suitable for its audience, as it is very well-f ixed for its audience to understand what is going in the story. I will make sure that the sequence of scenes of my animation is easy to understand and appropriate for my target audience so that they can enjoy the story. Characters and objectsThis animation has got six different characters and used a lot of objects. The number of characters are appropriate as they not too ofttimes which makes the animation crowdy and audience would not be able to understand whats happening in the story or there not very few characters which makes the story boring. I will also make sure that the number of characters in my animation is appropriate so that my animation is not boring or crowded. This will make my animation suitable for its audience. Sound and text The story has an option which allow user to listen to the story as well as reading.This is a good point of this animation because it makes the animation suitable for the purpose it has made for by improving their listening skills. The text of this animation is appropriate for its audience and help to keep the users interest till the end. I will include sound and text on my animation so that the users can understand the story easily by listening or reading it. This will give users some flexibility. I will also include some other sounds for example sound of a ball kick to make my animation vibrant and professional.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Science Report on Spinosaurs

DATE January 24, 2013 NAME Carl Kallies SCIENCE REPORT Dinosaurs Spinosaurus The Spinosaurus is my favorite of all the dinosaurs. It was made nonable in the movie Jurassic Park 3, one of my favorite movies. Scientists estimate Spinosaurus to be 40 to 56 feet or 12 to 17 meters from head to tail. Spinosaurus body looks a lot like that of T-Rex, but thither are a couple of obvious differences. Of course, T-Rex didnt carry that large sail-like flippers made of 6-foot spines.And the front accouterments of the Spinosaurus are heavier and longer than T-Rexs arms. Some scientists think this means that Spinosaurus used them for walking, while some others say these secure front arms could really get a grip on dinner. The head of Spinosaurus was longer, more narrow, and not as heavily built as that of T-Rex. Whoever named this beast wasnt having the most creative day. Spinosaurus means thorny lizard. There were large spines extending from the vertebrae along its back.And when I say la rge, I mean they could grow up to 6 feet long Most researchers believe that the spines were covered with a membrane of skin that filled in the spaces amongst the spines, sort of the way webbing fills in the spaces between the toes of a duck This made a sail-like fin that could stick out helped control body heat. Some researchers think that the sail could have been extended or collapsed at least to some extent. Perhaps then the sail could be used to get some other dinos attention.Spinosaurus was discovered in 1912 by a German paleontologist. Ernst Stromer found the first and most staring(a) specimen in Egypt. Sadly, this specimen was destroyed during the bombing of Munich in WWII. No Spinosaurus since Stromers first get have been as complete. The long narrow snout of Spinosaurus contained jaws full of sharply pointed odontiasis. Unlike the steak knife serrations of T-rex teeth, Spinosaurus teeth were smooth and round.Because of the resemblance to the bite of crocodiles, where th e upper teeth of the Spinosaurus interlock with the lower teeth, scientists think Spinosaurus might have had a diet consisting primarily of fish. To add weight to the fish diet theory, acid etched tilt scales have been found in Spinosaurus stomachs. While their bodies are well-adapted for meat, their particular variety may have been of the limpid type. I think that the Spinosaurus is one of the best dinosaurs ever discovered.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Utilitarian Argument in the Ford Pinto Case Essay

In 1971 get over force Company decided they wanted to create a compact car that could compete with the other Japanese manufactured cars. It rushed from its descent to its actual production. In the end, these cars proved to be one of the most dangerous ever produced because of their extreme flammability in instance of vacate impact collision. The stopping point by Ford to not rec every(prenominal) any of its cars, and not fix propose flaws, conceal the truth of their mistake and roll the dice future incoming lawsuits, damages and issue of mankind bread and butter is the one that I will dissect. I will show how this action uses the greatest rejoicing and greatest pleasance form of Utilitarianism and the true moral flaws that it exposes. Many parties were affected is this case including the Ford beat back Company employees, the shareholders, the conjunction owners, and every single consumer or person who not only purchased the vehicles but alike drove in them including the ones who were injured, burned or even killed, and not to be forgotten, the rest of the whole world. in truth no one escapes the ripple effect of this decision. Ford aim Company, led by President lee Iacocca, dis contended that during the sped up engineering and production process it had created the fuel tank vulnerable to fiery contribute crashes because of the layout of the car. Ford realized this but made its decision to not recall the cars ground of their own partnership formulated useful cost benefit analysis and fear of negative company effects.Ford ram Company weighed the risk in term of how much it would cost the company to pay for damages and loss of any human life, which was put into a numeric dollar pass judgment by the National pass Travel Safety Administration (NHTSA) of $200,000 per life and multiplied it by the number of accidents it estimated would occur from the flaw. Ford go Company calculated that the cost of compensation for death, injury and damaged ca rs was significantly little than the cost of recalling all the vehicles with the rear design flaw. Basically they thought they would save money, keep uptheir shareholder price, and have less(prenominal) damage to all involved by not doing anything except taking it on the chin with regards to predicted accidents caused by the accident prone fuel tank. They also assumed that if they made a recall, their share price would plank and shareholders would lose money, and that possibly employees would lose jobs. Ford Motor company did a really did a refined job of estimating life values and social components cost of property damage, insurance costs, legal fees, employer losses, funeral, assets and value of all(prenominal) human life in society. They even concluded they would need to pay 87 million dollars less by doing no recalls and just paying for these other future damage costs.However there is a dominant if not obvious consideration that carries more importance than just economicals and Fords revenue. First of all, consider the possible damage to the companys reputation created by media and public when having eight-fold accident from the same automobile model. The company could lose big from media and public backlash. game, in line with functional factors, Ford calculates all the collateral damage in terms of money and nothing else. Money creates pleasure for some, and pain for others. Ford calculates money as a positive value, and that is all. It seems really ideal that when creating a tartar in utilitarian ethics to think in terms of dollars because dollars carry a numeric value anyway The decision not to recall the cars and let the accidents occur loses utilitarian units of value in terms of obvious life factors. It is also so narrow minded that I would consider it not rational. First, it is cerebrate way too much on numeric dollar values when considering human injuries, company futures, and life lost. The decision really applies Jeremy Benthams idea o f more pleasure (money) for the most spate is the unspoiled thing. save you must consider human life in terms of a quality like whoremaster Stuart Mills idea for happiness and quality of life, and for those lost and for those who grieve afterwards, for the hate that is created, and the pain and suffering.Second you have to think in terms of the imminent possibility of Fords reputation to be ruined beyond foreseeable repair with the unsafe cars. For a non-corporate minute, dont think in terms of insurance claims, lawsuits paid, and annual profits gained or lost, but for competitors looking at the company as stupid, and the American public devaluing Ford in their own minds when they find out the truth about the cover up. Consider negative ideas forming in the minds ofthe American public as they look to the foreign auto makers to hear retribution on Ford by using their own consumer given purchasing power, and hurting the interior(prenominal) economy by buying foreign cars and lab eling Ford Motor Company, a company founded over 70 years prior by Henry Ford from Detroit, as a fraud and never to be trusted again Anyone in the Ford family could not have been thinking rationally if they made the decision not to recall because they were risking too many important values that did not carry immediate economic value in 1971, but certainly did after 1976 just five years later Ford Motor company, by their own calculations, saved 87 million by making their decision to not recall cars. This was a seemingly good consequence for Ford Motor Company, only until four people died in 1972 and other incidents happened that created a downward spiral for them.However they should have bore the cost of the recalls as a way of upholding their own company character through honestly admitting their technical mistake, which in the end, has a lot more value. Also sparing equals adds tremendous moral value to a decision that corrects the bother and announces it as it is which is an eng ineering design flaw that they are aware of. Instead of doing things as they did, Ford Motor Company could have tried to recall all vehicles that were on the market at the time, and spent the bare money and time to correct a mistake that they deeply regretted. The president would not need to punctuate how they rushed their production to compete with another foreign company, but instead insisted that they as an American based company needed to fix the problem for the sake of safety of the American people, by which they held more dear than their own profitability.By this alternative way, they uphold American Christian values which were at the heart of the inception of the United States values and hold higher moral value any Japanese auto company can hope to have. They could convince the consumer markets, and the media that this decision is why Ford is who they are, and although they may not be as fast as other auto makers, at least they are concerned about doing things the right mo ral way. This alternate idea produces more good for more people using a utilitarian way of thinking as well. Creating a stable product with quality in mind is a solid business decision and will create profitability for years to come. Selling cars up to on-going safely regulations to people to benefit their well being and making the country in which they exist in better as well asall those who purchase their vehicles around the world better.Ford Motor Companys decision uses ideas from one of the utilitarianism founders in Jeremy Bentham. However it is narrow minded because it only considers the aspects of backup and society status in terms of money values at the current time. If we lived in a world where money was equally valuable to reputations, emotions, and even life then their decision may be utilitarian but it is still not ethical. The future is what costs them. However that is not the world we live in and a company such as Ford needs to think about the nonuple negative outco mes of a decision like the Ford Pinto example. They should have recalled all the Pintos because the good still outweighs the dreary in the end. It is a wiser business decision, moral, ethical and it applies utilitarianism.Works CitedDeGeorge, Richard T. Business Ethics 7th Edition. New island of Jersey Pearson, 2010. Print. Hoffman, W. Michael. The Ford Pinto. Business Ethics Readings and berths in Corporate Morality. Ed. W. Michael Hoffman, Robert E. Frederick, and Mark S. Schwartz. New York NY. McGraw-Hill, 2001. Boyce, Daniel The Flaw of Utlitarianism The Ford Pinto Case Business Ethics IB. 15 April, 2010. Web. 11 April 2014.